Famous Places in India

Famous Places in India

Quiz with multiple questions

1. Centre of Wind Energy Technology is Located at

2. Satyajit Ray Film and Television INstitute is Present at Which City?

3. Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd at

4. National Institute of Siddha is Located at

5. Forest Research Institute is Located at

6. Animal Welfare Board of India is Located at

7. Central Pollution Control Board is Present at

8. Integral Coach Factory

9. National Law School is Located at

10. The Central Soil and Material Research Station is Present at Which Location

11. Rail Wheel Factory is Present in

12. Central Staff Training and Research Institute is Present in

13. Indian School of Business

14. National Institute of Hydrology is Present at

15. Netaji Subash National Institute of Sports Academy is Present at

16. Central Water and Power Research Station is Located at

17. Film and Television institue of India is Present in

18. The National Institute of Aviation Management and Research Institute is Present at

19. Maritime Training Institute is

20. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development is Located at

21. Marine Engineering and Research Institute is

22. National Instructional Media Institute is Present in Which Below Mentioned City?

23. Fire Service Training School is Present At Which State ?

24. Diesel Locomotive Works is Present at

25. Indian Institute of Mass Communication is Located at

26. Rubbber Board Institute is present in

27. National Brain Research Institute is Present at

28. Chittaranchan Locomotive Works is Present at Which State?

29. Surat is Having Which of the Following Institute ?

30. SV National Institute of technology is Present

31. Chitra Tirunal Institue for Medical Science and Technology

32. National Academy Of Mediacal Science is present at

33. National Centre for Cell Science is Present at

34. Indian Lac Research Institute is Present in

35. Indian Cancer Research Institute is Present at

36. National Institute of Ayurvedha is Present in

37. Natinoal Power Training Institute is present in

38. National Institute of Animal Health is Present in Which State?

39. National Biodiversity Authority of India is Present in

40. Tea Board Institute is Present in

41. Space Commision is Present in

42. National Institute of Homeopathy is present in

43. Coffee Board Trade Institue is Present in

44. Indian Space Reserach Organisation is Present(ISRO) at

45. Indian Spices Board is Present at Which State?

46. National Judical Academy is Present in

47. National Institue of Naturopathy is

48. National institute of Oceanography is Present in Which State?

49. Central Tobacco Research Institute is Present in

50. Pulse Research Lab is Present in

51. Central Rice research Institute is Present in

52. National Biological Lab is Present in

53. Central Mining Research Institute is
