Network Questions4

Networking Online Test4

Quiz with multiple questions

1. Different forms on Internet Applications are comes under

2. What is the another name of S frmaes?

3. IEEE 802.2 is the standard for which of the following?

4. What is the modulation of IEEE 802.11b?

5. Which of the following Person is handle with Properties of a Cost effective Design?

6. Waht is the Line coding of 1000BASET?

7. WHich of the following ICMP messgae type is suitable for source quench?

8. What is the full form of PDU?

9. Representation of bits are functions of which of the following layer?

10. How many layers are there in the TCP/IP?

11. Which is the most important data link protocol?

12. Class 2 bluetooth range is how many meters?

13. ALOHA Protocol is developed by which of the following university?

14. Loopback address NetID is

15. The Precednce 101 is used for which type of service?

16. Which of the following specifies the hardware type?

17. What is the full fomr of TB?
