Network Questions7

Networking Online Test7

Quiz with multiple questions

1. Inter Process Communication among users and processors are provide by

2. Compression is the functions of whichof the following Layer?

3. What is the full form of RNR?

4. What is the line coding of 100BASEFX?

5. What is the power of class 2 bluetooth?

6. Time exceeded ICMP message type is related to which type of field?

7. Which of the following is used information transferred across the layer boundaries?

8. To perform service function which is used?

9. Connection Oriented and Conection less service are offered by?

10. Data Rate is the function of which of the following Layer?

11. Which of the following mode is used in Unbalanced Configuration?

12. What is the maximum utilization of the Pure ALOHA?

13. IEEE 802.7 is suitable for which of the following standards?

14. MACAW is one type of protocol which is the improvement of

15. The Precedence of 000 is which type of service?
