

Quiz with multiple questions

1. The Device which Operates below the Physical Layer is Called?

2. Central Location of the Network is Called?

3. The Process of deciding the frames forward is

4. How Many types of hub are there?

5. Passive hub is just a

6. Faciliate of Moving work stations is done by

7. Which repeater is done Packet filtering?

8. Repeater is operate in which Layer in OSI Architecture?

9. Which is Multiport Repeater?

10. Which of the following hub is used to amplify the Noise?

11. Transmission Mediasegment is connecting permanently connecting in which of the following hub?

12. Bridge is Called

13. A Router is also Called?

14. Which of the following provides the centalize managment services?

15. Repeater that reapeat Optic Signal that is called?

16. Frame formatting and frame routing done by which of the following one?

17. Bridge Routing is which of the following function?

18. Which is three Layer device?

19. Signal regenaration is not Present in

20. Which Repeater is have one input and more output Port?

21. Which is a Collision Point?

22. Repeater is Operate in which of the following Layer?

23. Which is used to create multiple levels of Hierarchy?

24. Switches Operate which of the following Layer?

25. Which is doesn't filter the Packets?

26. Which is Not Accelerate the Signal?

27. How many types of Repeaters are there?

28. When two devices try to get access to one channel which of the following will Occur?

29. Which of the following Protocol is do not detect Error?

30. Which of the following is three Layer device?
