Quiz with multiple questions

1. TCP is Which type of Protocol?

2. TFTP Protocol Port Number is

3. Connection Oriented Protocol is

4. Which Packet is Called Segment?

5. Remote Procedure Call Protocol Port Number is

6. Which Protocol provides flow control and error control?

7. Which of the following description of Server port to download bootstrap information?

8. Which of the following Protocol Supports Full Duplex Tranmission Protocol?

9. UDP Packet is Called?

10. Which Protocol is Doen't Provide flow control and error control?

11. UDP Checksum is Verified by

12. Which Layer is Responsible for host to host delivery?

13. Which Layer is Breaks the Messages into Packets?

14. Daytime Port Number is

15. UDP is Which Type of Layer Protocol?

16. Network Time Protocol Port Number is

17. IP Header having how many bytes?

18. Simple Network Management Protocol Port Number is

19. Which of the following description of Client port to download bootstrap information?

20. UDP Source Port Number is how many digit?

21. Bootps Port Number is

22. Chargen Protocol Port Number is

23. Which type of Prtocol is used for Multicasting?

24. Which type of Protocol is having the end to end Checksum?

25. Quote Protocol Port NUmber is

26. In TCP,which flag is used to reset the connection?

27. Returns the Date and the Time relates to which Protocol?

28. In TCP, TCP Checksum is having how many bytes?

29. UDP Checksum is Calculated by

30. Which Layer is Responsible for Delivery of frames?

31. Which Layer is Responsible for Process to Process Delivery?

32. Sliding Window Protocol is used by which of the following Protocol?

33. Which of the variation of Port Numbers used in the Internet?

34. Which of the Port ranges are used by IANA?

35. In TCP Connection Release,the first segment is

36. In TCP,Urgent Pointer having how many number of bits?

37. In TCP Which is used to reject the invalid Segment?

38. Data Link Layer uses which type of Address to Choose one Node among Several Nodes?

39. TCP header having how many bytes in IP Header?

40. Acknowledgment is having how many number of bytes?

41. In TCP,which field is used to Reserve the for Future USe?

42. Combination of IP Address and Port number is Called?

43. What is the full form of MTU?

44. In TCP Connection Release,how many steps are required to close the connection?

45. TCP having how many types of Congestion control method?

46. What is the full form of TCP?

47. What is the full form of UDP?
